Our Lady of Mount Carmel RC Primary School

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PSHE and RSE Information


Our PSHE curriculum teaches children to develop the skills they need to flourish in the wider curriculum and in life as a whole. We provide our children with experiences to help them to understand their own personal value, and how as individuals, they fit into and contribute to the world. We teach PSHE as a whole school approach, interwoven with other subjects such as Religious Education, science and ICT, as part of our safeguarding culture. We use the Jigsaw scheme of work and provide enrichment through lunchtime clubs for Health and Wellbeing and nurture lunches, targeting emotionally vulnerable children.

We chose Jigsaw because we have a high proportion of disadvantaged children at our school and it offers us a comprehensive, carefully thought-through scheme of work which brings consistency and progression to our children’s learning in this vital curriculum area. Jigsaw is a mindful, child-centred approach to PSHE, with a strong emphasis on developing emotional literacy, building resilience, nurturing mental and physical health and SMSC. It in turn, supports emotional awareness, concentration and focus and provides children with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills they need in order to reach their potential as individuals and within the community. Children are encouraged to take part in a variety of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to life of their school and communities.


Jigsaw covers all areas of PSHE for the primary phase including statutory Relationships and Health Education. Our engaging PSHE curriculum ensures depth and accuracy of learning which builds upon prior learning. All classes undertake a weekly, one hour PSHE lesson which follows Jigsaw 3-11, a fully planned and spiralling/progressive PSHE scheme. As a school, we follow a set theme each half term.

There are 6 lessons per theme and every lesson has two Learning Intentions, one specific to Relationships and Health Education and the other designed to develop emotional literacy and social skills. Lessons are underpinned by the Jigsaw behaviour charter, which reinforces respect for each other – taking turns, being kind and positive and respecting confidentiality.


We use a system of formative assessment throughout each lesson, as this not only enables our teachers to find any gaps in the children’s understanding and therefore provide support, but allows us to identify emotionally vulnerable children and also find opportunities to challenge children further. Assessment at the end of each topic enables us to determine the learning and progression of children.

We can see the impact of the programme through the behaviours and attitudes of our children within school and their relationships with each other. As a result, children are becoming more self-aware and are able to reflect on their experiences. There has been a positive impact on friendships and they are developing life skills essential to tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. Children learn to understand and respect our common humanity; diversity and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning.


In order to inspire and prepare our pupils for the world of work, we want them to understand how learning PSHE  can be useful to them in everyday life, and in their future careers.

As lovers of PSHE our pupils could be:

  • A Counsellor
  • A Guide Dog Trainer
  • A Helicopter Mission Controller
  • A Landscape Manager

More ideas  can be found here on the  First Careers website.


Below are the details of the Jigsaw PSHE scheme of work.

 Jigsaw PSHE Overview 2023-2024.docxDownload
 PSHE Policy 2023-2024.docxDownload
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Health and Wellbeing Club

In our weekly KS2 Health and Wellbeing Club, we practise mindfulness and Cosmic Yoga. Cosmic Yoga uses stories and role-play to make yoga and mindfulness fun so that children can enjoy its physical, mental and emotional benefits. The children are encouraged to move and stretch their bodies and learn breathing, relaxation and visualisation techniques.

Nurture Lunches

During our weekly nurture lunches, children are invited to discuss anything they want to, whether it is issues or problems at home or school, any worries they might have and how to deal with them, and most importantly-what makes them happy! We discuss different feelings and emotions, and how to deal with these in a safe way. We are allowed to feel differently in certain situations, the main thing is thinking and having positive solutions in place, so we can be in control of ourselves.

  • If you are feeling sad, what can you do to make yourself feel better?
  • If you are feeling anxious, what could a positive solution be?
  • Children are encouraged to share their feelings with others, speak about their emotions and ask for help and support if they need to. 
  • The message is, we are always here to help you.

*Health and Wellbeing Club and Nurture Lunches run alternatively each half term, every Friday lunch time.

RSE (Relationships and Sex Education)

Below are the details of the RSE scheme of work 'Ten Ten Life to the Full'.


 Life to the Full Overview.pdfDownload
 Life to the Full Pathway 2.pdfDownload
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